It's spring

I know, I know. I've already taken a ride in January and a ride in February, but those were on the VOR.
Yesterday I took the Prilla to the roads. I went bike riding to customers for the first time ever. I thought the weather would be cloudy but still ok - fekk, was I in for a surprise. It rained the whole bloody time. About 5 degrees and rain... Apart for the last 35 kms. My God was that dry line good!!! Hah, almost step off the bike as I overtook from slow pace on a gravel strewn white line! Must have looked cool from behind as I just pinned it after that... Childish or wha'? :-)
I really don't know about the sanity in owning a bike with more than 50 bhp that u can use on the open roads.
As I can now pop wheelies just off the throttle, this seems to happen more and more. (Close to binnin' it yesterday as I crack the throttle open in first gear, just outside a customers, it's very wet, rear spins, rear grips, I'm kinda sideways with a half wheelie - at the corner of my left eye I can see two blokes standing outside smokin' looking like they just saw one of the biggest ediots in this world...).
Getting back home it's time to bring out the hose. Can hardly read the "LeoVince" on the speaker. Thanks to the torrential raining we've been blessed with, I don't think there's any salt though.
The German crash fairings don't fit up too well with the original ones, so I think I'll just keep the tank on for raod use.
And Lasse. If you're reading this, why don't you make a fekkin comment every once in a while instead of complaining on how long it's been between up-dates!
Nice to see that you run the blogg again!!!
On tiden that nåt skrevs here ;-)
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