Friday, August 24, 2007

How will this end?

Well. Fock me!!! I'm sweating like a bleedin pig and I haven't even got on my way yet. Yes, it's the last classic race of the year at Gellerasen in Karlskoga.
Arne, my main mechanic man, sorted Elsie out already a couple of weeks ago. So, just to make sure everyfin is ok, I try to start her up this morning after having filled water into the water closet of hers.
Brrrrreeeeeuuuuuu, ding, brrrrrreeeeeuuuu, ding-ding - and so on.
She just won't start properly. And when she's good you only have to take two, three strides before she pings along.
I get her running on one cylinder basically, after running like a fekkin lunatic up and down the car park.
Out with the plugs. Wet like a virgin on prom night! New ones in. Same fekkin charade again.
Go and buy some more 8 plugs in case the 9's are to much for her to start on.
Same, same.
At this stage I'm beginning to get really pissed off. (Not getting any better by having had a bleedin argument with a fekker in a car that was pointing fingers at me - but it was actually he that chased me down after I flicked him the bird...).
Anyway. I suddenly come to think of that I twiddled a little bit with the setting of the carbs, getting them both synced on and off the throttle. So I set the one that wasn't quite ok back to approx were it was, just a tad off, and ding-ding-riiiiiiiiing-ding-ding - Elsie shakes to life.
Sweat pouring. Smiley face.
Just pack the rest of my shite, and me and Elsie are off.


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